The best cure I know for sitting in front of the computer too many hours is to go out and walk around a garden. Inhale the fresh air, smell the greenness, stretch, and I’m guessing almost immediately you’ll feel a sense of calm. I know I always do.
Except for the bitterest winter months, something interesting is always happening in my garden. Right now some perennials are just coming up, some are about to bloom, and many of the spring ephemerals, like the Virginia blue bells and wood hyacinths, are fading away.
Because I have a lot of shade, many of the comings and goings are quietly compelling rather than razzle-dazzle. Shade plants tend to charm with their foliage and smaller, less conspicuous flowers, though my two prized trilliums, one yellow, one red, routinely turn heads. (I aspire to have a whole patch of them some day!)
Come along with me as all the events unfold this year; I’ll be sharing garden reports, recipes, and photos in “How Does My Garden Grow,” posts with you every month or so.
Check out the lovely violets which I use for pastry decorating. Or see more of the whole garden as shown below here.

thank you for posting–very pretty gardin