I’ve decided to use this site to post what I believe are growing signs of a fascist dictator in our country. If you don’t recall what fascism is, here’s a quick summary: Fascism a far-right, authoritarian, and ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests/foes for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. It is opposed to democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism and is at the far right of the traditional left–right spectrum.
The following experience a few days ago details how an attorney’s car was blocked by four ICE vehicles, and his Polish client (seeking to update his expired visa) was snatched from the lawyer’s car and has not been seen since.
I’ll be posting here as I have information to share in support of our democracy in the future.
Nancy Baggett
“I’m an attorney. This morning I was giving my client a ride home after court in New Britain. He was not convicted of anything and has no criminal convictions on his record. As I began to reverse out of my parking spot; my car was suddenly blocked by 4 black vehicles. I was instructed to shut off my engine as my car was boxed in on three sides. ICE agents joined by ATF agents wearing black masks and tactical gear approached my car and removed my client.
My client is a Polish immigrant with a family. His violation was overstaying a legal tourist visa. He didn’t sneak over the border. He entered legally. His visa expired. Overstaying a visa is often considered a civil infraction.
If you overstay a tourist visa, there are ways you can fix your status. You may be eligible if you are an immediate relative of a U.S. citizen, such as a spouse, parent, or unmarried child under 21.
You must have entered the U.S. legally, even if your visa expired and you should not have any criminal offenses or other immigration violations.
This guy was in the process of adjusting his status.
My witnessing the incident is the only reason his family knows why he didn’t come home. They still don’t know where he was taken.
I’m not against deportations when warranted. I have no objection to gang members and criminals being deported.And yes, you can be deported for overstaying a visa. People need to obey our laws
But, even if you agree with these deportations, there was no reason for such a gross public display of force over a guy with an expired tourist visa. That means he entered the country lawfully with permission. He was legal until his visa expired. That is usually considered a civil infraction.
In my opinion, this was purely for optics and show. A waste of resources of multiple agencies.
Yes, ATF agents. The guys that go after gun smugglers and bomb makers. Like I’m Pablo Escobar or something. Thank God I dropped my 4 year old off at preschool earlier that morning.
Very disturbing.”
~ from Adrian Baron, a partner at Podorowsky Thompson & Baron – Connecticut Law Firm, 2/24/2025″