I promised I would give you an update on the photo shoot taking place this week. The art director for Country Gardens magazine, Nick Crow, said it was fine to mention the publication name and give you a peek at what was happening today. (To see how the pics came out when the magazine was published in Spring, 2012, go here.)
As the top pic suggests, the photographer, Bob Stefko, roamed around the garden, shooting dozens of pics both in the shady back yard and the sunny front.
He then came inside and we shot a cookie making how-to in the kitchen. That’s Nick, watching Bob take an overhead shot. The ladder wasn’t quite tall enough, so Bob just climbed up on the counter! Anything to get the image the director wanted, he said!
Since my cookie story is for a garden magazine, I featured flowers. Maybe you guessed from the lavender spires at the side in the pic (right) that I was piping a lavender buttercream frosting. The crew liked it a lot, by the way!
I was so busy getting ready, I haven’t posted for a couple days. So I thought I’d share these with you right away. I’ll be putting up some more pics and giving more details in a couple days.
In the meantime, if you’d like to see more of the garden as I was preparing for the shoot, check out my post here.
For some other pretty pics taken during and after the Country Gardens Magazine photo shoot, go here.

Nancy, you have such a beautiful garden!! I hope you are able to sit out there with a lovely cup of tea every now and again, and admire your handywork?
Ha ha ha his shoes on your counter? Ouch! But it looks like great fun! Your garden must be spectacular!
Next installment is posted here–goo.gl/V5SO8 ! Enjoy!
I can't wait for the next installment.